New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0: 2.1+
New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0: Replace those fading yellow sticky notes! - notes
It's time sticky post date - BugMe! brings all handy little notes right to . Pin them virtual cork board within the app alarms , ! Widget to Stick your note launcher screen extra visual reminder!
Main New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0:
MAKE QUICK NOTES - write ink finger, inbuilt keyboard
ALARMS & REMINDERS - set alarms times notes
SAVE NOTES - widget sticky notes app launcher!
SEND - send notes via Facebook, Twitter
CUSTOMIZE - choice colors styles organized
USE - use backgrounds notes photos
ORGANIZE - drag them virtual cork board.
There's something said simple, straightforward note-taking app that borrows from : sticky notes. CNet Review
BugMe! has been a leading productivity app and organizers since 1997 - we're proud've replaced so many yellow stickies!
What's New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0 : (Updated : Aug 22, 2012)
With t a large set note papers allowing categorise , keeping .
New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0:
Download : New Apk Android фBugMe! Stickies Pro v1.1.3.0 Instructions:

User Review: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
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