New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5: 2.1
New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5: Switchr well designed, well polished, feature packed , yet practical application switching between running tasks elegance perfection.
Switchr lot like Alt-Tab, except prettier, , , few sprinkled here . Using Switchr, you between running apps, two styles (you choose), its own advantages based actions such as closing apps, home screen. It's a must-try.
Switchr Pro Key
Switchr comes, its app switching glory, much like Alt-Tab, but Android, except much . However, Pro Key installed, all settings, leaving to customize every aspect . Switchr Pro allows take advantage gestures, customize all visual aspects, configure blacklists/whitelists liking, show unlimited running tasks, and much more.
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News & Media
"Switchr aims multitasking " - AddictiveTips
"Switchr well designed polished app simple, yet practical function users their running apps quickly and conveniently." - XDA
Pro New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5 New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5:
- Display unlimited tasks
- Close apps
- CoverFlow Effects
- Live Task Switching
- Right side swiping
- Gestures
- Blacklist/Whitelist apps
- Removed Pro Ads
What's New
<b>Version 1.8.5</b>
Support 4.4 KitKat
New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5:
Download : New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5 Instructions: Unlocked Pro New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5 New Apk Android фSwitchr Pro - Task Switcher v1.8.5!

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