New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8: 2.2 / Tasker
New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8: Advanced interactive Notifications support.
With AutoNotification create notifications following characteristics:
- Title
- Text ( a really long text Bean)
- Ticker Text
- Small Lower Right String
- Small Lower Right Number (may be rendered a b than devices)
- SubText (Secondary notification text)
- Message ( react AutoNotification profile)
- Message ( react AutoNotification profile)
- Message
- Url
- Icon (URL custom icon; local URL)
- Id (Notifications Ids eachother; useful for situations where you'd status update, e.g. your battery level)
- Priority (controls how high notification list )
- Make Persistent
- Dismiss (true)
- Sound
- LED Color
- LED On (time )
- LED Off (time )
- Vibration (vibration pattern; generate one here:
- Picture (big picture URL Bean notifications; local URL)
- Max Progress (max value progress bar)
- Progress progress bar
- Indeterminate Progress bar (true)
- Share Button
- Button 1, 2 (custom buttons profile)
- Label 1, 2 (labels buttons)
- Icon 1, 2 (icons buttons)
Lite New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8 restrictions:
- Title characters
- LED color be red off time
- Vibration
- Custom sounds
- Messages react profile characters
Get New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8 in-app.
Like mentioned above, react using the joaomgcd comm also available AutoRemote apps. Check out how here:
Demo interactive notification here: <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
Demo from here: <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
Tips lists:
Basically, notification "test" phone's clipboard, follow these steps:
- Add notification action (new Task -> Plugins -> AutoNotification)
- Set any fields above to (like Message) to "copy=:=test" (without )
- Create a new profile condition (New Profile -> Condition -> Plugins -> AutoNotification)
- In filter write "copy=:=". T make t activate message the "copy=:=" expression.
- corresponding Entry task add a Copy action the text to %ancomm. %ancomm variables available Entry Task AutoNotification profile any text right of =:=
- Done. Now "test" 's clipboard
In AutoNotification, variable names messages are:
- %anmessage message
- %anpar1, %anpar2, %anpar3, etc word left of =:=
- %ancomm text right of =:=
With t system do anything from notification.
Most functionality app present (, so get you're interested Tasker remotely much more.
What's New
- Notification interception! Intercept other app's notifications their info however
- Notification Cancelling apps! Cancel any notification system, doesn't matter which app it's from!
- Hundreds notification icons
- Many new notification fields
New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8:
Download : New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8 Instructions: Full New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8 New Apk Android фAutoNotification FULL v1.1.8!!

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